Saturday, July 28, 2012


I'm back in business and have internet again! Our landlord left us a router and Michael had the good idea to plug it directly to our main computer.  We went to Argos to buy a monitor, plugged in the router and computer and..............Nothing! Michael had to call Eircom and the customer service guy was trying get Michael to the router settings page in order to change the username and password to connect to the Eircom internet.  We could only get to the Status page so it was a frustrating time.  Michael looked on the internet on his phone and found out how to get to the settings page and now the internet works!  I was so excited!!  Now I can post on the blog more, look at IKEA on the internet, use Skype, and just do random searches as I think of them.  Hello 21st Century, I'm back!

Here is a picture of my little alcove at home:

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