Saturday, February 2, 2013


We had some particularly cold windy weather in Dublin during the past few weeks and today was the first day with a good amount of sun.  However, it was still extra cold outside.  There were a few days where we had snow but it melted when it hit the ground. Snow is nicer than the rain, however, every Irish person will always reminisce to 2010 when the snow stuck to the ground and Dublin came to a halt... for two days.

My apartment is always cold.  Our storage heaters do not work very well and it is never a comfortable toasty temperature.  We have been to other people's apartments here in Dublin and they never seem to have this problem but it is because they have a more modern place.  Our place is definitely older and does not have modern appliances.  I still love the location and I am happy that I can walk to work every day and not have to rely on mass transportation, so I suppose it is a give and take.  But some times feeling so cold makes me angry.  I miss modern appliances and I miss having a lot of space.

I have noticed that I will write emails and interject my speech with Irish sayings when I am at work.  I don't know if that's the right way to put it but I will phrase things in a way that my Irish colleagues would say it.  Hard to explain, but I definitely notice it.  Sometimes it makes things a lot easier to be a little more relatable.

So, six months later, and while I have my days where I doubt myself, this is how I am feeling:

1. I am glad I came here and am having this experience.
2. I love all of the travel we have already accomplished.
3. Doing this with a toddler is HARD.
4. I like living in the city center and being close to everything.  Dublin is a great city to live in because it is not so crowded and there is not high crime where I live.
5. I am happy that Connor is able to be outdoors so much, even in the cold.
6. I don't feel as overwhelmed at work, I am more sure of myself/know my way around and am liking it more. The opportunities I get here are incredible and nothing I would have been able to experience if I stayed in my old office.
7.  I miss my mom, friends in Tampa, Chick-fil-A, Mexican food, Sushi, and Olive Garden more than I thought possible.  

All in all, I am happy I have the opportunity to experience living/working in a foreign country but there are days when I think we must be crazy!


  1. Hi Nina! I've been enjoying your posts. My husband and I are considering a 2-year move to Dublin (with his company). We have 2 small children and figure that this might be a good time to live abroad before they start school. In your opinion, are there any drawbacks to raising children in Ireland vs. the US? i assume that it wouldn't be much different than in the US (at a young age anyway) but I thought I'd ask anyway. Also, do you feel that safety-wise Dublin is like any big US city? Thanks!

  2. Hi there! My son Connor likes it here and I spend much more time outdoors with him here than in the US. People here like children also. I think there are more indoor play areas in the US but there a few around the city. It is safe here, safer than a big us city. I sometimes work late and walk home at night by myself and the streets are well lit and I always feel safe. I live right in the city center and walk past government buildings so that is part of the safety too. I think you will enjoy the experience. If you have any other questions let me know!
